Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thank You, Labor Family

I have been writing this post in my head for about two weeks now, and just need to get it out there. I am afraid to do it wrong, which would mean to not do it justice, so I keep stalling. You just cannot thank people enough sometimes, simply cannot properly show the magnitude of your gratitude. Here’s a shot at it though.

I have mentioned before that John and I have been hearing from people across the country who are rallying for us. What I have not yet fully articulated is just how incredible our labor family has been.

Together, John and I have about 17 19 years of professional experience working for labor unions. I began working for the AFL-CIO political department in 2006, and went over to the National Education Association (NEA) campaigns and elections department in 2008. John has been with AFSCME (local & international) for about a decade. I frequently joke that I am married to AFSCME. I have known some of these folks for even longer, going back to my Dean for America days.

The people with whom we have worked with for most of our careers are our family, our friends, our brothers, and our sisters. Former bosses, colleagues, and coworkers from all three unions have been steadily reaching out to cheer us on and provide support.

Several former colleagues from the AFL-CIO are in touch about various things like wig resources (E.), chemo buddy times, lunches, and even doorknocking for the VA elections (I have been feeling so well, there’s really no excuse).

Thank you to my NEA colleagues and friends and BFFs; I am so lucky to count you on my side-- one of whom will literally be by my side tomorrow as my Chemo Buddy (L.), and who has also supplied me with one of the best cancer beauty books (Pretty Sick) plus a gift basket overflowing with Sephora hydrating facial masks and other comfort items. Thank you to K. for a very special lunch and discussion, and for all of your help, and for each of you who have been in touch. Thank you to all of you for your messages of support, strength, and love.

Thank You to Our AFSCME Family
A couple of weeks ago, the AFSCME (and some former NEA!) family organized (because that’s what we do) around John and me in a big way when they handed him a card bursting with what he calls “a brick” of Whole Foods gift cards-- and a very generous gift of cash (that literally keeps coming in-- we will thank each of you offline asap!). Blogging is all about vulnerability, so I will just tell you that we have teared up a number of times over these incredible collective and individual gifts. Thank you, AFSCME family. We have been overwhelmed by your love and support.

You have all allowed us some major relief during a stressful time when we have medical bills (super awesome insurance, but much of those tests are still expensive and there is still an out-of-pocket amount due-- again, cannot imagine not having this and if you are in support of repealing ACA then we need to have a serious talk), and the (temporary) setback for my job search. We have been able to purchase healthy foods (I’m recommitting to a mostly-vegetarian diet) and also to contribute to the family grocery runs with my in-laws. We haven’t blown through it all yet, it’s not like we bought a Wagyu steak or anything and a fancy bottle of wine, I promise. (But really, we did not.)

To some degree, it is somewhat embarrassing to be on the receiving end of all of this love and giving. This is the vulnerability that cancer is necessarily exposing, I suppose. One of those “hard lessons that cancer taught me, I can’t do it all on my own,” or whatever. It’s okay, I’ll lean into the discomfort. That’s where the growth is.

As I wrote in my original blog post, I will get through this successfully with love, humor, a mostly plant-based diet plus a ton of prescribed drugs, and with the amazing people supporting me. Thanks for being one of them. I love you. I will beat this.


  1. Union is truly family! Stay strong dear sister!

  2. Direct affection gets the goods. ;)

  3. Wishing you the absolute best and sending you guys hugs.


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